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Volleyball participants at the 2023 CAF Summer Sports Day at 4 Wing, held on June 30th, 2023– All photos /video by Mike Marshall / The Courier News

The Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) Summer Sports Day organizers at 4 Wing are calling the event a success. On June 30th, 658 members participated in various sports and activities around the base.

“We saw over 650 members participate in the Summer Sports Day this year!” said 4 Wing Personnel Support Programs (PSP) Fitness and Sports Manager Tammy Buchanan.  The weather, volunteers, staff and participation in the sports/activities helped make it one awesome day!  Participants engaged in outdoor volleyball, dodgeball, pickleball, baseball5, 3-on-3 basketball, squash, wellness walks, and yoga sessions.”

Winners for the events include:

Outdoor Volleyball
–  1st Shenanigators; 2nd Setting Ducks; 3rd AWTS

Singles Squash Tournament – Winner in each division: Beginner: Julian Townshend; Intermediate: Pawittar Sidhu; Advanced: Robert (Bob) Johnston

 3-on-3 Basketball – Winning Team Wutang (Brian Hunter, Tivaun Thomas, Nathanael Copeland)

 Dodgeball –1st place: Ducking Balls (Team captain: Capt Pearson –WHQ); 2ndplace: Push 2 Start (Team captain: Cpl Weins – 4MSS); 3rd place: The Pro Laps (Team captain: Sgt Gallant – 10FTTS

Baseball5 – 409 Tactical Fighter Squadron  & Wing Construction Engineering (winning teams)

Doubles Pickleball2Lt Adriaan Nel’s Team; 2Lt Noah Rowe’s Team (winning teams)

Unit Wellness Walk – Draw Prize of $50 each: 417 Jokers (MCpl Morash); Cpl Lamming from Wing Image; 42 Radar Squdron Team Mad Trappers (WO Porrier); and1 Air Maintenance Squadron Team Furgusson (Sgt Fergusson)

Yoga – Draw Prize of $50 each: Liam Richards; Tracy Coonce; Matthew Iwaskiw; Chris Kennedy

Participants also enjoyed a takeaway Subway lunch, courtesy of sponsor Inter Pipeline.

“The overarching goals for this event were to introduce members to new sports, increase participation, enhance members’ well-being, and boost unit morale,” added Buchanan.

“I hope everyone had fun!”


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