The Defence Women’s Advisory Organization (DWAO) is your opportunity to play an active part in a growing movement that promotes the vision of “one Defence Team that values everyone”.
Those who subscribe to this vision of the evolving culture of the DND/CAF do so because they understand that our strength, operational effectiveness, and ability to represent the Canadian values we are called to defend, depends on it. Lack of respect or value drives people away to find more rewarding and supportive work. Thus, the cohesiveness and winning edge of the whole team is eroded, as valuable contributions are lost.
The DWAO exists to provide DND/CAF personnel an avenue to volunteer their energies and talents toward advising and networking with leadership, colleagues and subordinates. The purpose is to assist in resolving systemic issues that may be adversely affecting the DND/CAF’s ability to capitalize on the full contribution that women can make towards a strong, effective, and representative DND/CAF.
Providing this voice for personnel is crucial to assist leaders and individuals in making decisions that affect our workplace. By utilizing DWAO members’ expertise, diverse experiences and backgrounds, we can provide leadership with feedback, ideas, and recommendations that are from the perspective of personnel.
Read the first Issue of the DWAO Newsletter here to see messages from the local champion Maj Alexia Hannam, Military Co-Chair MCpl Emily Reiman, and Civilian Co-Chair Ms. Lisa Fisher, as well as messages about the Elevate Aviation Mentorship Program, GBA+ in Action, and more.
If you are interested in joining the 4 Wing Defence Women’s Advisory Organization (DWAO), then look no further! The DWAO welcomes CAF/DND employees of any gender, rank and position within 4 Wing. We also welcome members from other Bases/Wings who may not have an active DWAO. We are seeking passionate individuals that want to advance gender equity within their lives and workplaces. We look forward to welcome you to the team!
To join contact:
MCpl Emily Reiman, Military Co-Chair at
Ms. Lisa Fisher, Civilian Co-Chair at