4 Wing golfers pose at the 2022 Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) Canada West Regional Championship in Shilo, Manitoba, held from July 9th to the 14th – Photo from 4 Wing Connection/ Facebook
Golfers representing 4 Wing had a fantastic showing at the 2022 Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) Canada West Regional Championship in Shilo, Manitoba, held from July 9th to the 14th.
Team 4 Wing finished 2nd overall in the tournament, with Cpl Emily Fisher finishing 4th in the Women’s division and WO Paul Swansburg finishing 2nd in the Men’s division. With his finish, Swansburg has now qualified to represent the western region at the CAF Golf National Championship, set to take place at CFB Borden starting on August 27th. Fisher will serve as an alternate at the tournament.
The overall winners of the regional tournament were Capt T.J. Rogalski from CFB Suffield in the Women’s division, Maj Cameron Lowdown who currently is serving in Colorado Springs in the Men’s division, and Team CFB Shilo.