The Courier

The Accessible Canada Act (ACA) came into effect on July 11, 2019. This legislation provides a great footprint for Government of Canada departments to create a barrier-free Canada. By preparing an Accessibility Plan, actions will be taken to remove barriers for the Defence Team to improve accessibility for everyone in the department. In alignment with and in the spirit of this legislation, the Department of National Defence (DND) is proud to prepare our first Accessibility Plan that is planned for release on December 31, 2022.

This effort will be led by ADM(IM) as the Defence Champion for Persons with Disabilities, but we require the input from our DND/CAF community. Listening to the voices of people with disabilities is paramount to creating a barrier-free public service.

This effort will be led by the key functional leads, ADM (HR-Civ), ADM(IE) with coordination by ADM(IM) as the Defence Champion for Persons with Disabilities, but we require the input from our DND/CAF community. Listening to the voices of people with disabilities is paramount to creating a barrier-free public service.

We are collecting feedback from the existing Defense Advisory Groups for Persons with Disabilities as well as the workforce at large to identify barriers in order to create strategies to eliminate them. We are looking for any and all input regarding barriers that exist in the workplace: architectural, technological, physical, or attitudinal.

Feedback will be collected in order to group barriers by type, create action plans, and launch the process of making an accessible workplace.

A barrier-free DND is possible with your input. Please provide feedback by doing the following:

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