Captain Patrick “Peanut” Pelletier of 419 Tactical Fighter Training Squadron (TFTS) addresses a crowd of Air Cadets and guests in Camrose on May 27th – Supplied Photo
Some Air Cadets and local children from the City of Camrose got a visit from a special guest as they took in an advanced screening of Top Gun: Maverick.
Captain Patrick “Peanut” Pelletier of 419 Tactical Fighter Training Squadron (TFTS) from 4 Wing joined the audience at the Duggan Cinemas for a question-and-answer period before the movie was shown. The kids were allowed to ask questions, including about what life is like as a fighter pilot in the Royal Canadian Air Force (RCAF).
“Besides helping Ray Ban sell an awful lot of sunglasses, the original Top Gun was responsible for an overwhelming increase in Flight Training and Air Force Recruiting,” explained the Camrose Flying Club on their Facebook page. “Camrose Flying Club | COPA Flight #137 believes strongly in inspiring new generations to become involved in aviation whether in the air or on the ground. With a critical skills shortage looming in the aviation industry, we hope our young guests left the movie theatre just as inspired as those who did in 1986!”
“Our thanks to 4 Wing Cold Lake Public Affairs, Capt Rachel Brosseau and “Peanut”, Capt Patrick Pelletier, and to Karen at Duggan Cinemas for making this happen for kids here in Camrose.”

The crowd listens to Capt Pelletier at the screening of Top Gun: Maverick in Camrose – Supplied Photo