The Courier

Chalk the Walk is in support of the 2022 Canadian Mental Health Association’s Mental Health Week, which runs from May 2nd to the 8th – Stock Photo/ Unsplash

The 4 Wing Personnel Support Programs (PSP) Health Promotion and Community Recreation Departments are inviting you to come to Chalk the Walk in support of Mental Health Week.

On Monday, May 2nd the front walk outside the Col J.J. Parr Sports Centre will play host to an event that will see people invited to come down and spread some positivity via messages written on the sidewalk.

“Chalk will be available to patrons and staff and anyone on the Wing who would like to come by and add their positive words to their walkway outside of the Sports Centre,” says Health Promotion Specialist Fiona Ingham.

“Free coffee will also be provided by the CANEX, which the Health Promotion team will distribute along with coffee sleeves with positive mental health messages.”

The coffee sleeves are provided by Cold Lake’s Healthy Choices Count Coalition, which the Health Promotion team sits on.

The initiative is in support of the 2022 Canadian Mental Health Association’s Mental Health Week, which runs from May 2nd to the 8th. The theme this year is #GetReal, which aims to help educate people who may be suffering from mental health issues or those looking to support someone who is.

The Chalk the Walk event at 4 Wing is set to begin at 11 AM and run until 2 PM.

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