Beach Barbeque themed TGIF in Belize

Photo: Submitted


The re-opening of the 4 Wing Cold Lake All Ranks Mess has been an event both Mess staff and Mess Members have been anticipating for months!

We were so happy to open our doors on 15 July to All Ranks at Club 41, and even with our max capacity reached, still had patrons waiting patiently in a small line to enter our facility to be able to cheers with one another again.

Unfortunately, some of our mess members were not able to attend our re-opening celebration in-person. We had many out of country, who were serving in deployments at various locations around the world, to include the United States and Belize.

We wanted to ensure that these members felt included in this long-anticipated affair, so each of the Mess PMCs from our Officers’ Mess, Warrant Officers’ and Sergeants Mess’, and Junior Ranks’ Mess came together and agreed to throw our abroad members a Deployment TGIF party! Each deployed group were able to select a themed TGIF, and celebrate with us remotely.

From a Canadian and Sushi Night themed TGIF in the United States, to a Beach Barbeque theme in Belize, our deployed mess members were able to feel represented and help the Messes mark an awesome occasion. The Messes are thrilled to continue to achieve our goal of camaraderie between members beyond borders.

With the recent re-closure of the Messes, due to the rise in COVID-19 cases, we are currently taking the time to re-stock all Mess bars in preparation of re-opening. We are also working towards Personnel Support Program’s “Going Green” initiative, and transitioning our Messes to become more environmentally friendly and LED efficient. The Messes are still providing Virtual Themed Trivia Nights every two weeks with our Mess committee members joining us as game hosts. The Mess Function Coordinator will send an email to all mess members with instruction on how you can join us for our next trivia night.




Photo: Submitted

Canadian and Sushi Night themed TGIF in the United States
Photo: Submitted

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