The Courier

WO Jim Larocque sends one down the fairway at the Longest Drive & Closest to the Pin competition on October 13th – All photos by Mike Marshall / The Courier News

Eight 4 Wing golfers put their skills on the links to the test recently. The Cold Lake Golf and Winter Club (CLGWC) at CFB Cold Lake hosted the annual “Longest Drive & Closest to the Pin” competition on October 13th to see who could come out on top in both categories.

WO Paul Swansburg, who recently represented 4 Wing at the CAF Golf National Championship, had the longest drive in the 40-and-over category at 280 yards while WO Carey Boozan took number one in the under-40 category for his 283 yard shot.

WO Jim Larocque was closest to the pin in the 40-and-over category, landing a 100 yard shot just over 12 feet from the hole. Cpl Brent Corrigal landed his shot just 8 feet, 10 inches from the hole, taking home first place for the under-40’s.

All the participants took home prizes on the day, including gift cards from the CLGWC.

“Special thank you to the Courier, Cold Lake Golf and Winter Club Staff, MWO Rob Armes for helping set up the competition, and Hannah Penn and Brett Mitchelmore with the scoring!” said 4 Wing Personnel Support Programs (PSP) Sports Coordinator Jerry Ingham.

“Thanks to all who attended.  We hope to see more golfers out next year.”




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