The Courier

Four CF-18 Hornets in formation – File Photo

More squadrons from 4 Wing will be conducting night flying training in the next two weeks, say officials at CFB Cold Lake

“Squadrons from 4 Wing Cold Lake will conduct night flying training over the City of Cold Lake from October 17th to the 21st, and October 24th to the 28th,” explains 4 Wing Public Affairs Officer Captain Sophie Quemeneur.

4 Wing is always mindful of the Lakeland community and this type of training is not intended to disrupt your valuable peace and quiet. Night flying is an essential training requirement for aircrew to gain and maintain proficiency in the safe operation of aircraft in reduced illumination environments. The ability to conduct night missions is vital to our operational capability.”

Anyone with questions on the training is asked to contact Capt Quemeneur via email. 

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