The Courier

CFB Cold Lake and the Col J.J. Parr Sports Centre are readying to host the 2023 CAF Canada West Old Timer’s Hockey Regional Championships – Photo via CAF Sports/ RCAF

4 Wing is preparing to play home to a battle on the ice. Starting January 29th until February 3rd, five Old Timer’s hockey teams will duke it out at the Col J.J. Parr Sports Centre in the 2023 Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) Canada West Old Timer’s Hockey Regional Championships.

“Teams representing Comox, Winnipeg, Esquimalt, Edmonton, and Cold Lake will be playing,” explains 4 Wing Personnel Support Programs (PSP) Sports Coordinator Jerry Ingham.

The winners of the tournament will move on to play at the National Championships, due to be held at CFB Esquimalt in March. The CAF Old Timer’s division features rules allowing some of the more experienced members of the Canadian Armed Forces to show off their skills, says Ingham.

“All are serving military members.  A player can be 40 or over.  A coach can be under 40 but can’t play.  Each team is allowed 3 under-age players 37 or over.  Teams can use goalies 35 or above.”

The games will feature an opening and closing ceremony and round-robin tournament followed by a semi-final round and the finals, due to be held on the 2nd of February.

“The public is welcome to come out and watch the games after checking in with the front kiosk staff,” adds Ingham.

More information on Old Timer’s hockey and other sports in the CAF can be found on the official CAF Sports Facebook page. 



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