The Courier

Kelly-Lynn Nicole, an RCAF spouse in Comox, B.C. – Supplied Photo

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One of the biggest challenges for RCAF spouses is finding meaningful and relevant employment whenever they move. Some spouses are embracing new, out-of-the-box ways to earn money or free products in their spare time. One such spouse, Kelly-Lynn Nicole of Comox, B.C., mother to five children (including triplets) under seven, recently became an Instagram influencer, which suits her busy lifestyle.

Here is Kelly-Lynn in her own words:

“I had heard about becoming a partner for a large online women’s undergarment company through ads and a friend so after doing a bit of research and finding the right information, I decided I would apply. I was chosen not too long after applying. I felt great about supporting the brand. After owning a few of their products and being satisfied with their quality, it was a perfect fit. The company promotes body positivity and body inclusiveness. The products are designed for comfort and to boost confidence. It was a yes for me.”

“In addition, I noticed CANEX was holding an online ambassador application campaign. I had also been told about it through friends who saw the advertisement. Having grown up with a father in the military, being posted numerous times and then becoming a military wife I had been to a few CANEX stores in my life. It was a place I supported as they support Canadian Armed Forces personnel and families.”

“Social marketing / selling is huge right now. “Influencers” as they call us have opportunities to make a living by mentioning product names and posting reviews on our platforms. I wouldn’t call myself an influencer on that level as I am more homemaker than hustle at the moment.”

“I’m humble about what comes my way and grateful for these opportunities because they come with many benefits:

  • I have the opportunity to make commission off sales. I can be paid simply to advertise. I have also been paid through having my videos promoted through even bigger companies.
  • I can receive free product in exchange for advertising and content. Content being photos, videos and blog posts to name a few.
  • I am able to give friends, family and your following discounts, deals and coupons.
  • I am able to meet new friends and become a part of a community. I may even have the opportunity to travel with/for brands.
  • Fulfilment: For anyone interested in pursuing this type of thing, if it’s something they are happy about promoting and having fun with it’s a win-win. For me, it’s something I can do from home, with no major stress, and a creative outlet. It’s something for me. “

“It is perfect for military spouses because it’s a “job” you can do anywhere. ”

“It works for me in a way that, while having fun promoting things I believe in, such as a fantastic one-stop-shop for CAF members that has your back, or a female-owned brand that supports body positivity, I am able to contribute a little with income, and enjoy products the brands have to offer, all from the comfort of my home with my family.”

You can find Kelly-Lynn on Instagram @ keldandom and at

Kelly-Anne’s husband Dan is a flight engineer with 442 Transport and Rescue Squadron at 19 Wing Comox.

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