The Courier

Cpl Johnathan Krupp, MP, Cpl Collin Hickey, MP, Cst Andrew Kary, RCMP, David Zimmerman, Program Manager, Victim Services, CPO Mike Purvis and CPO Brittany Trudell – Supplied Photo

Doing the right thing has its rewards!

The Positive Ticket Program is back for 2022!

4 Wing Cold Lake Military Police, Cold Lake RCMP and Cold Lake Peace Officers are continuing the program which rewards youth throughout Cold Lake with Positive Tickets. These tickets will be given to youth who are caught being a community hero, practicing personal safety, demonstrating a positive attitude and making smart choices.

Cold Lake youth will receive a voucher for a Slurpee from 7Eleven or an ice cream cone from Dairy Queen or from McDonald’s with the Positive Ticket they receive. All youth who receive a ticket will be able to enter into a draw for prizes. This year’s prizes include a Meta Quest 2 VR Headset, a Nintendo Switch and a Sports Package worth $200.00.

To enter this draw, the recipient of the Positive Ticket must take a selfie with the ticket, post the picture on their own or their parent/guardian’s Facebook page and tag @ColdLakeVictimServices. 

In addition to entering the draw with a Facebook post, each officer that gives a youth a Positive Ticket will also complete a second, new portion of the ticket. This new addition will allow the officer to take down the child’s name and a phone number with which they can be reached. This portion will be taken by the officer and will be part of another draw where many additional prizes will be given out.

The third annual Positive Ticket Program began on June 6th 2022, so get out there and let’s all do good deeds for our community!

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