The Courier

4 Wing members take in the Buddy Break barbecue on August 30th, to celebrate the Wing Commander’s Wellness Challenge – All photos by Janae Wandler / The Courier News

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This year’s Wing Commander’s Wellness Challenge has come to a successful end.

The challenge saw participants take a “Buddy Break” and get some exercise around 4 Wing, starting on July 10th. Points were awarded for participation.

The annual Wing Commander’s Wellness Challenge has come to an end, and we are happy to report that this year the participation rate was the highest it has ever been!” said 4 Wing Personnel Support Programs (PSP) Fitness Coordinator Hannah Penn. “The “Buddy Break” activities focused on increasing unit morale, creating healthy competition between units, and offering opportunities for active movement and mental health breaks in the workplace.”

The winners of this year’s challenge include:

  • 1st prize winner of Bracket 2: Wing Headquarters/Deputy Wing Command with a total of 1029 points
  • 1st prize winner of Bracket 3: 4 Mission Support Squadron Replenishment Flight with a total of 630 points
  • 1st prize winner of Bracket 4: 42 Radar Squadron with a total of 295 points
  • No winner of Bracket 1 due to insufficient participation

On August 30th, 4 Wing PSP and The Personal Insurance hosted a free lunchtime Buddy Break barbecue at the 4 Wing Officers’ Mess for members to enjoy and celebrate the success of the initiative. 4 Wing Commander Colonel Dave Turenne and Wing Chief Warrant Officer Dipen Mistry were among the guests, as well as Martin Dodd from The Personal Insurance, which sponsored this year’s challenge.



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