The Courier

The 4 Wing Theatre – Photo by Mike Marshall

The 4 Wing Defence Visible Minorities Advisory Group (DVMAG) is hosting a special event on the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination.

The group will host a panel discussion at the Wing Theatre on March 21st.

2 Lt Jenna O’Brien is a member of the DVMAG. She says the event will include an introduction to the DVMAG, discussion on the day itself and visits from from dignitaries including the Mayor of Cold Lake.

“We have three topics that are about a half-an-hour in length. The first topic is ‘The continuing of racism and anti-racism’, which will share lived experiences and allow for questions,” explains O’Brien. “The second topic is ‘Anti-Asian racism linked to COVID-19’. The third topic will be ‘Respecting cultural diversity and traditions’. Every topic will allow for questions and discussions.”

The International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination began as an initiative from the United Nations General Assembly in 1966. March 21st was chosen to commemorate the Sharpeville massacre in South Africa, where 69 people were killed by local police during a protest.

The event is free to attend and scheduled to begin at 1400 hrs. Seating is still limited due to measures related to COVID-19.

The DVMAG began back in 1994 across the Canadian Armed Forces. The 4 Wing DVMAG is currently recruiting new members. 

“I had found on the Wing bulletin that they were looking for volunteers,” says O’Brien. “It seemed like something I could get behind. I am an ally in this group, as I’m not a visible minority.”


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