The Courier

A golfer takes a swing during the “Longest Drive/Closest to the Pin” golf competition hosted on October 7th at the Cold Lake Golf and Winter Club – Photo by Mike Marshall  

10 golfers took a swing at claiming top prize in the “Longest Drive/Closest to the Pin” golf competition held at the Cold Lake Golf and Winter Club last Thursday.

Crispy afternoon fall weather didn’t dampen spirits or, in some cases, shots as competitors were broken up into “Under-40” and “Over-40” age categories.

The winners of the event were:

1st  Place for Longest Drive (under 40 yrs) went to MCpl Shields with a 310 yd drive

1st Place for Closest to the Pin (under 40yrs) went to MCpl Park who was 70 inches from the pin

1st  Place for Longest Drive (over 40yrs) went to WO Swansburg with a 310 yd drive

1st Place for Closes to the Pin (over 40yrs) went to WO Swansburg who was 28 inches from the pin


2nd Place for Longest Drive (under 40 yrs) went to Cpl Tavers with a 282 yd drive

2nd Place for Closest to the Pin (under 40yrs) went to who Cpl Tavers was 85 inches from the pin

2nd Place for Longest Drive (over 40yrs) went to WO Larocque with a 308 yd drive

2nd  Place for Closes to the Pin (over 40yrs) went to MWO Armes who was 72 inches from the pin


3rd Place for Longest Drive (under 40 yrs) went to Cpl Clements with a 280 yd drive

3rd  Place for Closest to the Pin (under 40yrs) went to who Cpl Corrigal was 103.5 inches from the pin

3rd  Place for Longest Drive (over 40yrs) went to Sgt Dela Cruz with a 274 yd drive

3rd  Place for Closes to the Pin (over 40yrs) went to WO Larocque who was 103 inches from the pin


“I’m very pleased with the turnout on 4 Wings first Longest Drive and Closest to the Pin Competition,” said Sports Coordinator Jerry Ingham. “Maybe this can become a semi or annual event.”


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