It’s time for #FeatureFriday! The July 2nd featured member was Cpl Shelby Lewis! An AVS Tech, Shelby has been posted to Cold Lake since 2015.

“To keep healthy, I like to pretty much do anything that keeps me moving. Growing up, I played any sport I could get myself into and, as I got older, I focused on soccer and rugby. Now that I have a little one, I like to do stuff that I can include her in; we go biking, running, hiking and paddle boarding together. I also enjoy being challenged and competing, so a lot of the time you’ll find me taking on different things. For me, physical activity is what keeps me mentally healthy and strong. Even on days when I don’t want to work out, I know it’ll make me have a better day and feel overall better if I do! As a busy mom who works full time, it’s something that I can prioritize for myself to “fill my cup”; a good sweat session has always made me feel like I’m productive and can take on the world.

My favourite physical activity is probably a good hot yoga class. I love how sweaty you get and, because I’m someone who never made stretching a priority, it challenges me in a new way. It’s both super challenging but also really good for your body – you feel like a new human after a class. My favourite healthy food is strawberries dipped in chocolate hummus, grilled vegetables on the BBQ and smoothies.”

Do you know someone who would be a great addition to our #FeatureFriday series? If so, forward their name to!

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