The Courier

An example of a Tower Garden at CFB Cold Lake – File Photo

Who needs a green thumb when you’ve got a Tower Garden? At Canadian Forces Base Cold Lake, the 4 Wing Personnel Support Programs (PSP) Health Promotion team’s UGrow program is proving that anyone can cultivate fresh produce, herbs, and flowers indoors—all while reaping big health benefits. 

These vertical aeroponic gardens are popping up across units, turning workplaces into lush, thriving spaces and adding a little flavor to daily life. 

What’s the Buzz About Tower Gardens? 

The Tower Garden FLEX allows units to grow fruits, vegetables, and herbs year-round in a compact indoor system. “From a sustainability perspective, the Tower Garden allows for plants to grow close to three times the rate of traditional gardening and harvest yields that are 30% larger despite their compact size,” explains the Tower Garden website.  “The Tower only uses 10% of the land traditional gardening does due to the vertical design.” 

Not only do these systems save space, but they also sip water like a cactus. “The Tower Garden uses approximately 2% of the water used in traditional gardening and has a lower carbon footprint.”

“The closed system also allows for water and nutrients to be recycled, reducing waste.” 

A Harvest of Health 

The UGrow program isn’t just about sustainability; it’s a recipe for better health. By growing fresh produce, units gain healthier food options, helping to tackle food insecurity while saving money. Plus, the bright LED grow lights mimic sunlight, offering a boost during the darker winter months. 

“The increased greenery in the workspace improves member wellbeing as well as air quality,” says 4 Health Promotion Specialist Mrigank (Miggie) Kothyari. “The sound of water trickling can also improve member wellbeing and lower stress.” Whether it’s hosting unit luncheons, creating healthy snack stations, or simply taking a break to admire the plants, the benefits are easy to see—and taste! 

Units Digging In 

With 15 Tower Gardens in circulation, nine units have already embraced their green side. These include Wing Accommodations, Real Property Operations, and 10 Field Technical Training Squadron (10 FTTS), among others. Each garden comes fully equipped, from LED grow lights to pH testing kits, and Health Promotion even provides seeds. Got a craving for something specific? Units can bring their own seeds to the mix. 

Growing Community and Connection 

“The program aims to address various social determinants of health,” Miggie points out. Whether members gather for a harvest luncheon or just enjoy the shared experience of tending the garden, the program fosters a sense of community. 

So, if you spot a Tower Garden in your unit, grab a sprig of basil, take a deep breath of fresh air, and enjoy the greener side of life at CFB Cold Lake! 

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