Anniversary Salute
2024 is a big year for both the Royal Canadian Air Force (RCAF) and Canadian Forces Base (CFB) Cold Lake as they celebrate their 100th and 70th anniversaries respectively!
Here you will find content related to both milestones. We hope you enjoy this special feature!
If you have a story or highlight of your time at CFB Cold Lake, please contact us!
The Courier News Through the Decades – The Fifties
The Courier News Through the Decades is brought to you by: As The Courier News celebrates its 70th anniversary, we’re taking a trip down memory lane with a running feature that will explore the...
The Courier News Launches ‘When Was It?’ Trivia Contest on Facebook!
Supplied Photo To help celebrate its 70th anniversary in 2025, The Courier News is launching a fun and engaging trivia contest on Facebook! Titled “The Courier News: When Was It?”, the contest will...
Royal Canadian Air Force (RCAF) 100: A Year to Remember
Toonie – The Royal Canadian Mint’s unveiled a $2 circulation coin, commemorating the 100th anniversary of the RCAF. It features iconic aircraft flown by RCAF personnel over the past...
The Courier News Turns 70: Celebrating Seven Decades of Stories, History, and Community
The new commemorative logo marking the 70th Anniversary of the Courier News – Supplied Photo As Canadian Armed Forces Base Cold Lake welcomes 2025, it marks a significant milestone for one of...
Royal Canadian Air Force opens door to new career paths and paid education opportunities
450 Tactical Helicopter Squadron aircrew refuel a CH-147F Chinook helicopter at Kamloops Airport in British Columbia during Operation LENTUS on July 10, 2021, to help provincial authorities...
Governor General Mary Simon Visits Canadian Forces Base Cold Lake, Honours RCAF Centennial
The Governor General of Canada inspects members from 4 Wing at CFB Cold Lake during her visit on October 25th – All photos by Mike Marshall/The Courier News On Friday, October 25th, Canadian...
Canada’s Aviation Book of the Year!
The Royal Canadian Air Force: 100 Years of Service Volume 1 By Larry Milberry and Hugh A. Halliday – Supplied Photo The RCAF’s 1924-2024 Centennial has been highlighted by airshows,...
Cold Lake Commemorates Battle of Britain with Ceremony and Parade
Battle of Britain wreaths during the 84th annual Battle of Britain commemorative ceremony on September 15, 2024 at the Cold Lake Legion – All photos by Corporal Brock Curtis, Royal Canadian...
The Royal Canadian Mint adds to the commemoration of the 100ᵗʰ Anniversary of the Royal Canadian Air Force With a New $2 Commemorative Circulation Coin
Image courtesy of the Royal Canadian Mint As the Royal Canadian Air Force (RCAF) marks 100 years as a distinct military institution defending Canada and preserving its freedoms, the Royal Canadian...
The Mike Petryk School of Dentistry at the U of A honours 1960 grad
Susan, Pat, Mike and Bob Petryk (centre) were joined by U of A president Bill Flanagan (left), provost Verna Yiu (second left), dean Brenda Hemmelgarn (second right) and dentistry chair Paul Major...