Members from 409 TF Sqn dropped by the MFRCS last Wednesday to pick up donations for a Romanian Orphanage that CAF members deployed to Op REASSURANCE support. From left to right: Tracy Miller, Welcome Centre Coordinator/Veteran Family Coordinator; Judith Chance, Fund Development Manager; Cpl Shelby Lewis, 409 Sqn; Avr Kamaleddine, 409 Sqn and Floyd Perras, MFRCS Executive Director.
Photo credit: Joy Smith
As members of 409 Tactical Fighter Squadron start packing their bags to prepare for their deployment to Constanta, Romania as part of Operation REASSURANCE; staff at the Military Family Resource Centre Society (MFRCS) were busy packing boxes with school supplies, clothing, and games/toys.
Members of the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) deploying to Op Reassurance have been supporting a Romanian Orphanage in the area and this latest gift is a big one. With support from Cold Lake Staples and the local Cadets, the MFRCS donated 14 boxes/bins of items that will go a long way to helping the children.
The MFRCS isn’t the only Cold Lake source of help for the orphanage, 409 Squadron members have been accepting donations via the Cold Lake Buy and Sell and have collected enough donations to fill a shipping container, which will be sent to Romania with equipment 409 members will need for their deployment. Monetary donations were also made and will be used to purchase hygiene products and any other items not collected through donations.
409 Sqn will begin deploying to Romania this fall.