The Courier

Members from 4 Wing stand amongst donations for this years’ Christmas Hamper program – Supplied Photo

American writer and artist Henry Miller wrote a wise saying about life:

Life has no other discipline to impose,
If we would but realize it,
than to accept life unquestioningly.

Everything we shut our eye to,
everything we deny, denigrate or despise,
serves to defeat us in the end.

What seems nasty, painful and evil,
can become a source of beauty, joy and strength,
if faced with an open mind.

Every moment is a golden one for him
who has the vision to recognize it as such.

The members of 4 Wing Cold Lake are an example of ones who have understood that “what seems nasty, painful and evil can become a source of beauty, joy and strength, if faced with an open mind.” This was evident in the show of love and solidarity in this year’s 4 Wing Christmas Hamper and Angel Tree programs. Once again, this year’s programs were successful.

The year 2020 brought a lot of suffering and pain to many families, countries and the whole world. Yet, 4 Wing Cold Lake members having internalized Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) training on resiliency and stood like the “Rock of Gibraltar” amongst all the chaos caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. Today, the latest variant “OMICRON” has created more fear, with more tension and anxiety all around the world, leading to travel bans imposed by different countries to curb the spread.

However, these did not deter the 4 Wing Community from swinging into action once more to put smiles on the faces of individuals and families during this upcoming Christmas and holiday season. What a wonderful way of putting Canada first before self.

For all those who helped to make this happen, I send an appreciation on behalf of the Chaplains at 4 Wing.

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