The Courier

The City of Cold Lake is looking for opinions as it puts together an inter-municipal trails master plan – Photo from the City of Cold Lake/ Facebook

The City of Cold Lake says it is looking for feedback on what trails in the area could look like in the future.

The city and the M.D. of Bonnyville are currently collaborating on an inter-municipal trails master plan that they hope will guide the development, enhancement and management of regional local trails for the next 5 to 10 years.

“The plan will generate a clear understanding of what trail experiences we have currently, how well they are meeting our needs, what trail experiences we want in the future, and how we can make them happen,” says the city on their website.

An online survey is now underway, asking trail users about urban, rural, regional, and even water routes and trails. the answers to the survey are anonymous.

The closing date for the survey and feedback is set for August 31st.

An interactive mapping tool is also online, allowing users to pinpoint opportunities for enhancement or growth and provide suggestions.

“Your responses to this survey, as well as input received on the project’s online mapping tool, are some of the most important inputs for this project,” adds the city. “They will help us understand where, how, why, and when trails are being used and they will help show where gaps, issues, and opportunities exist to improve the region’s network over time.”


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