After a two year pause due to the COVID-19 pandemic, on 24 September 2022 and back for the third time, 4 Wing celebrates its connection with Auf Wacht (alertness) in Cold Lake with some traditional Gemütlichkeit (cordiality and friendliness).
In 1993, 4 Wing stood down at CFB Baden-Söllingen in Germany and re-established at CFB Cold Lake; the wing will celebrate its German connection with a traditional Oktoberfest.
It might seem natural to hold an Oktoberfest in October, but the annual festival actually begins in September. 4 Wing’s Oktoberfest follows that tradition.
The 4 Wing Oktoberfest will be held outside of Club 41 at 6 pm following the Volksmarch. Live music and German food, wine and beer will contribute to the authenticity of the celebration.
There are only 500 tickets available for the Oktoberfest event, which are on sale now at the front desk of the Col J.J. Parr Sports Centre. All tickets are $30 and include a beer stein, a beer and meal. Youth are invited (under 18 years old) and their ticket will also include a stein, non-alcoholic drink and a meal.
This event sold out in 2019, so don’t wait to get your tickets!!