The Courier

(From left) Floyd Perras, 4 Wing MFRCS Executive Director, Judith Chance, 4 Wing MFRCS Fund Development Manager, and Tammy Bilodeau, Owner, Tim Hortons Cold Lake stand inside the MFRC on November 29th, 2022 – Photo by Mike Marshall/ The Courier News

The 4 Wing Military Family Resources Centre Society (MFRCS) has a few more reasons to smile.

On November 29th, Tim Hortons Cold Lake owner Tammy Bilodeau stopped by to drop off a cheque for just under $21,000, which was raised through the sales of Smile Cookies.

“This is year number six as the recipient of proceeds from the annual Smile Cookie campaigns,” explained 4 Wing MFRCS Fund Development Manager Judith Chance. ” The funds are used for Youth Centre activities, family programs, and other services.”

Tim Hortons says in 2021 the Smile Cookie campaign raised $12.2 million for over 600 local charities and community groups across Canada.

“Our partnership with Tim Hortons Cold Lake is extremely special to us,” said Chance. “Not only have they supported us with funding through the annual Smile Cookie Campaign, but they have also been very generous with their ongoing support for our deployed troops.”


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