The Courier


A Royal Canadian Air Force CF-188 passes over the targets on the range, during EXERCISE Maple Strike, at Primrose Lake, Saskatchewan, back on May 4, 2021 – Photo: Cpl Justin Roy, 4 Wing Imaging

Night flying by some of the squadrons at 4 Wing is expected to begin on Monday, says Captain Rachel Brosseau, the 4 Wing Public Affairs Officer.

“Squadrons from 4 Wing Cold Lake will conduct night flying training over the City of Cold Lake from April 4 to 14,” said Brosseau in an announcement.

“4 Wing is always mindful of the Lakeland community and this type of training is not intended to disrupt your valuable peace and quiet. Night flying is an essential training requirement for our aircrew and ground crew. The ability to conduct night missions is vital to our operational capability.”

Anyone with questions can contact Brosseau through her email. 

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