4 Wing Military Police, Cold Lake RCMP, Cold Lake Peace Officers, and Victim Services are teaming up again this year to serve the youth in the Cold Lake area with Positive Tickets. Between June 1 and July 31, Cold Lake law enforcement teams will be on the look out for kids who are caught being a community hero, demonstrating a positive attitude, making smart choices, or practicing personal safety.
As a reward for doing something good, Cold Lake youth can receive a Slurpee from 7 Eleven, an ice cream cone from Dairy Queen or fries from McDonald’s, with each positive ticket. Plus, everyone that receives a ticket can also be entered into a draw for a prize. This year’s prizes are a PS5, an iPad and Sports package worth $250.00. To enter the draw, the recipient of the Positive Ticket must take a selfie with their ticket and post it on their (or a member of their family’s) Facebook page and tag @ColdLakeVictimServices.
In addition to the Positive ticket program, Cold Lake RCMP and Victim Services intend to do a community initiative in the communities of Elizabeth Metis Settlement and Cold Lake First Nations. They plan to team up with the schools of the two communities and do “Safety Presentations” to the students. At the completion of the presentation, the students will receive a positive ticket for their attendance/participation.
So get out there and get caught doing something good.