The Courier

As we commemorate the Royal Canadian Air Force’s (RCAF) 100th anniversary, we are excited to announce the release of three history books that can be downloaded for free. As part of the RCAF 2024 Centennial initiative, these books pay tribute to the RCAF legacy, recognize those who have served, and set our sights on the future of “Your Air Force.” These books delve into the history of the RCAF, shining a light on artifacts, aircraft and the invaluable contributions of our non-commissioned members (NCMs).

100 objects for 100 years: a history for the Royal Canadian Air Force centennial by Mike Bechthold, Richard Mayne, and Brad St. Croix examines 100 significant artifacts, offering a unique perspective on the RCAF’s technological advancements and personal stories.

Aircraft of the Royal Canadian Air Force: a centennial history 1924-2024 by Terry Leversedge provides an in-depth look at the aircraft utilized by the RCAF over time, highlighting their strategic significance and technological evolution across a century.

Answering the call: a history of the Royal Canadian Air Force’s non-commissioned members by Mathias Joost illuminates NCMs’ pivotal roles throughout the RCAF’s history, showcasing their unwavering commitment and professionalism.

These books form part of the RCAF 2024 Centennial campaign and were written to inform and educate Canadians on the history and future of our country’s air force. The campaign’s themes, including “Air and Space Power”, “Innovation and Technology”, and “Diversity”, reflect the RCAF’s commitment to evolving as a modern, inclusive, and forward-looking military force.

For access to these no-cost publications, please visit the Government of Canada publications website:

Download your copies today and join us in celebrating a century of service and dedication.

For more information and updates on our centennial events and activities, please follow us on social media and visit the official RCAF 2024 Centennial website.

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