Canadian Armed Forces Members gather for a group photo at the end of the Multicultural Day event. Photo taken at Heritage Park, 4 Wing, Cold Lake, Alberta, on June 27th, 2022 – Photo: Aviator Conor R.G. Munn, 4 Wing Imaging
A celebration of the mosaic of cultures that make up Canada took place at 4 Wing on June 27th.
Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) members and members of the local community along with 4 Wing’s Defence Visible Minority Advisory Group (DVMAG) held a small ceremony at Heritage Park at the gates of CFB Cold Lake to mark Canadian Multiculturalism Day.
“This day provides a critical opportunity for us to celebrate our diversity, our commitment to democracy, equality, and mutual respect for Canadians of all backgrounds,” said 4 Wing Acting Wing Commander LCol Corey Mask. “It honours the many cultural communities that have helped build a strong and vibrant Canadian society.”
Canadian Multiculturalism Day began on November 13, 2002, with the Government of Canada, by Royal Proclamation, designated June 27 of each year.
Dignitaries that attended and spoke at the event included Acting Wing Command and Commanding Officer of 1 MP Squadron Maj Matthew Hung.
The ceremony ended with a group photo, with some members wearing cultural dress for the picture.
“I hope that events like this will build stronger bonds between all of us,” added Commanding Officer of 419 Tactical Fighter Training Squadron LCol Martin Roesler-Yue.