The Courier

Wing Mess Manager J.J. Gray at his retirement party held at the Warrant Officer’s and Sergeants Mess on May 27th – Photo by Mike Marshall

A familiar face at the messes around 4 Wing has headed off into the retirement sunset.

On May 27th, friends, family, and Personnel Support Programs (PSP) staff gathered at the Warrant Officers and Sergeants Mess to celebrate the career of J.J. Gray. 

The main thing I will miss the most is the people I have had the pleasure to work with over the years,” explains Gray. “The weddings were too many to count, dinners and events have been nonstop for so many years until COVID hit, it never stopped.”

Gray was presented with some tokens of appreciation, including a plaque that will bear his name and be hung in a conference room inside Club 41.

“We did everything, from cooking lobsters to carving full pigs every year to making 100’s of Depart with Dignity barbecues, Maple Flag receptions,  multinational functions, just to name a few.”

Gray was no stranger to Canadian Armed Forces Bases across the country. His father spent time with the Royal 22nd Regiment, taking a young J.J. to places like CFB Valcartier as well as to postings in Germany.  By 1980, Gray found himself in the CAF as a Steward. 

J.J. served on ships like the HMCS Saguenay and HMCS Nipigon and at bases including CFB Cold Lake, where he served as Mess Manager until his retirement in 2005.  Gray would return to 4 Wing in the fall of 2005, this time in a civilian role as a Bar Manager, and eventually return to his role as Mess Manager. 

What was supposed to be a 3-year posting to Cold Lake turned into a 25-year stay.”

Gray says he has many items on his retirement list he’s looking forward to enjoying.

We look forward to decorating our house for the community each year for Halloween and Christmas. I’m also looking forward to playing golf and doing some woodworking and spending time with family and the grandkids.”

Members who might be panicking at the thought of a holiday season without J.J.’s famous Moose Milk don’t have to worry. He says the recipe is staying put inside the messes at 4 Wing. 









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