The Courier

There is no mistaking that we are right in the middle of posting season. The Sold signs are on the front lawns, moving trucks are a common sight and folks are starting to say their goodbyes to friends and colleagues.

With the posting season comes the stress of moving. There’s selling the house, working with BGRS and the herculean task of an HHT in a daunting housing market. There’s  preparing the kids and making sure they are doing okay with the strain of the move. Then there’s the emotional stress of saying goodbye to good friends and colleagues and the nail-biting experience of the pack, load and move days. Then the road move and trying to settle you and your family in a new location.

But like most things in life, even in the stressful times, there are blessings to be found.

Postings bring new opportunities for us and our families. We have a chance to meet new people and make friends all over the country. We get to experience new places and possibilities. So, as you journey from our Cold Lake shores, I will leave you with this blessing in the hope that in the midst of all the stress of moving, you find blessings along the way and in your new posting.

May your posting be a manageable level of craziness.

May your home sell quickly, with minimal renos and a closing that is painless.

May you find that one home, among the 24 frantic viewings on your HHT which feels like home.

May the moving fairies be gentle with your HG&E and may they not pack your important paperwork or car keys.

May your road move be the good kind of adventurous.

May the kids and pets in the backseat be well behaved (as well behaved as they can be).

And may the battery in their Switch and iPads always be fully charged.

May you find a welcoming place to lay your head each night and may your hotels always have good, strong coffee.

May all your HG&E arrive intact and may you enjoy the mover’s game of BINGO.

May you find a welcoming and loving new community waiting for you after your long and weary journey; with new friends who are ready to share a laugh and good colleagues ready to lend a hand.

And may your new home be warm and full of wonderful memories.

Safe travels and blessings to you and your loved ones on your new postings.

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