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The 2022 summer road construction season will be a busy one after the City of Cold Lake awarded a $2.1 million contract for roadway improvements throughout the community. 

The annual Capital Road Improvement Program will repair and extend the life of asphalt on  roads deemed to be high-priority areas. 

“We use computer software which takes into account the amount of surface stress placed on each road, along with a formula to measure how fast the asphalt deteriorates,” said Chief  Administrative Officer Kevin Nagoya. “The program analyzes the road conditions and helps  us determine which roads should receive resurfacing in order to preserve the pavement for  as long as possible, before it requires a much more expensive full reconstruction.” 

The contract for the roadway improvements was awarded to E Construction of Cold Lake.  Priority roads for 2022 include: 

  • Park Street (Beach Avenue to 26 Street) 
  • Delta Road (26 Street to end) 
  • 1 Avenue (Spruce Street to 23 Street) 
  • 25 Street (English Bay Road to Point West Entrance) 
  • English Bay Road (Highway 28 to 25 Street) 
  • 5 Avenue (12 Street to Lakeridge Close) 
  • 61 Avenue (49 Street to Highway 28) 
  • 54 Avenue (49 Street to 51 Street) 
  • 53 Avenue (61 Street to End) 
  • 59 Street (47 Avenue to 48 Avenue) 
  • 22 Street (1 Avenue to 4 Avenue) 
  • 57 Street (50 Avenue to Veterans Drive) 

In addition, underground utility work required for two capital projects will result in the  complete reconstruction of roadway surfaces. Replacement of storm water pipes and  water/sanitary mains along 11 Street (8 Avenue to 12 Avenue) and replacement of water  mains and service connections to the property line on 16 Avenue (6 Street to city limit) will  include a complete replacement of the roadway surface. Both projects are expected to be  finished by the end of the 2022 construction season.

Construction is underway and some road closures and detours are in effect. See current and  upcoming temporary road closures at www.coldlake.com/roadclosures

Learn more about the City’s 2022 capital projects at www.coldlake.com/projects.

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