The Courier

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March is Fraud Prevention Month in Canada. As a member of the Defence Team, this is an excellent opportunity to learn what fraud is, how it can affect the Defence Team, and what to do if something doesn’t look right.

As an individual, you are the first line of defence against fraud – and we need your help! Start off Fraud Prevention Month by anonymously completing a short questionnaire launched late last year that will help build understanding over time of where our risks may be within the Defence Team.

As a team, consider exploring some of the new and constantly improving services that are offered by the Defence Team Fraud Risk Management Program which include:

Also keep an eye out for some future training modules that will help you keep a strong first line of defence against fraud:

  • Addition of fraud awareness into the existing Introduction to Defence Ethics course; and
  • Ongoing development of a brand-new Fraud Awareness Training course on the Defence Learning Network (DLN).

As a Defence Team, we are bound by the Values and Ethics Code for the Public Service and the CAF Ethos – Trusted to Serve, which both strongly support our zero-tolerance policy for fraud through our commitment to ethical integrity and stewardship.

If you have any questions or wish to learn more, please do not hesitate to reach out to the Fraud Risk Management Team. If you suspect or wish to report a fraud occurrence, you can submit a disclosure of wrongdoing by following the procedures to contact the Internal Disclosure Office.

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