The Courier

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Today marks the 6th annual Military Family Appreciation Day. On this day, we honour those who might not wear the uniform, but play a critical role in keeping Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) members and Veterans strong, ready and supported.

While our CAF members serve, their families serve right along with them, bringing continuous support. While a CAF member must make sacrifices when called to duty, the family must make sacrifices at home. At other times, the military family serves as a safe harbour as they join their loved one at each posting. This support continues in the transition to the civilian world, as our members begin their life after service.

As military members frequently relocate as part of their service, their families may face increased challenges in accessing housing, childcare and employment opportunities. Over the years, the Department of National Defence, the CAF, and Veterans Affairs Canada have taken meaningful action to address these challenges. Canadian military families experience their own unique struggles, needs and issues – and we are committed to supporting them at every step of their journey.

We recognize the critical role that military families play in supporting CAF members and Veterans, and we salute their outstanding contribution to supporting the well-being of Canada’s service members. Whether at home or abroad, they embody the best of Canada.

“To our military families, we thank you for your valued support of our Canadian Armed Forces. Families are essential to the success of our operations, and we must show our sincerest gratitude for their contributions. Today and always, let us reflect on the sacrifices that military families make, and salute their resilience and devotion to Canada.”

– The Honourable Bill Blair, Minister of National Defence

“When Canadians serve, their families serve with them. Whether during difficult deployments or recovering from mental or physical injury or illness, military families play a vital role in the well-being of their loved ones. On this Military Family Appreciation Day, I encourage all Canadians to recognize the integral role military families play in supporting CAF members and Veterans. To all military families, we extend our deepest gratitude and appreciation for your invaluable support.”

The Honourable Ginette Petitpas Taylor, Minister of Veterans Affairs and Associate Minister of National Defence


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