The Courier

An RCAF Aviation Systems Technician from Her Majesty’s Canadian Ship REGINA’s helicopter air detachment hooks up an engine rinse bottle to a CH-148 Cyclone helicopter – Photo care of the Department of National Defence 

There are so many great reasons to serve in the Canadian Armed Forces, one of which is the opportunity to rejuvenate your career and try on new challenges through the Annual Voluntary Occupation Transfer Program (AVOTP). If you are a Non-Commission-Member (NCM) or an Officer willing to relinquish your commission and are looking to take your career in a new direction, the RCAF-hosted Internal Job Fair is something you won’t want to miss!

This virtual job fair is open to everyone in the Regular or Reserve Forces interested in learning about the following occupations:

Aerospace Control Operator – 00337

Aerospace Telecommunications and Information System – 00109

Airborne Electronic Sensor Operator – 00019

Aircraft Structures Technicians – 00138

Air Weapons Systems Technicians – 00261

Aviation Systems Technician – 00135

Avionics Systems Technician – 00136

Electrical Generation Systems Technician – 00303

Flight Engineer – 00021

Refrigeration and Mechanical Technician – 00301

Search and Rescue Technician – 00101

The Job Fair will consist of information sessions over a three-day period from 6-8 March, 2023.  Given the varied local public health measures in place at wings and bases throughout Canada, in-person briefings are not going to be possible and so the job fair format will be virtual, similar to last year’s event, via MS Teams. The intention is to keep these sessions relaxed and informative while giving members a realistic job preview and highlighting important details such as career progression, deployment opportunities, and specialized training. There will also be the opportunity to ask questions and meet the presenters afterward. 

To obtain the Job Fair schedule with all of the links you’ll need to attend the presentation sessions and occupation-specific resources, contact your local PSO or email Capt J-P Lesperance at: AFILT-EALFA@FORCES.GC.CA”. 

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