SLt Jeremi Pinsonneault, a member of the 4 Wing Band – Supplied Photo
Tuning up the Band showcases the members that make up the 4 Wing Band. These submitted articles give the band members an opportunity to showcase their history with the group, as well as explain what makes the band so special to them.
“The 4 Wing Band is the reason I was posted to Cold Lake”
SLt Pinsonneault needs music in his life and never stopped playing even if his career pulled him out of the music scene.
“Since a very young age, I knew I wanted to play music. As a toddler, I wanted to play the oboe! My parents, not knowing what they were getting into, offered me an oboe and a violin, hoping I would not abandon as fast as I started. Here I am today, a bassoonist, playing the oboe and the clarinet in a band that’s very far away from the place I called home.”
During his lifetime SLt Pinsonneault was part of numerous orchestras and bands including the Naden Band in CFB Esquimalt. When the posting season approached, he tried to find a place where he could afford to live and play music as a hobby, always in a military spirit. He was quickly drawn to Cold Lake… of all places!
“As soon as I put that on my posting possibilities, it was set in stone. Here I am now! Cold Lake has a beautiful community where everyone can have a deep impact on others. I already made lifelong friends in the band. Also, I love representing the Royal Canadian Navy far from the coasts, I like the raised eyebrows I elicit when people see me in uniform. I want to have a positive impact on as many people as possible and feel that in Cold Lake, I can make a difference.”
SLt Jeremi Pinsonneault plays the oboe and the clarinet for the band and is the Wing Personnel Selection Officer.