Members of 4 Wing Cold Lake pose for a photo at the conclusion of a ceremony to mark and celebrate Canadian Multiculturalism Day. Image taken on June 27, 2023 at 4 Wing Heritage Park, 4 Wing Cold Lake, Alberta – All images by: Corporal Robert Mitchell, Royal Canadian Air Force Imagery Technician / 2023 DND-MDN Canada
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It was a picture-perfect day to celebrate Canadian Multicultural Day at 4 Wing.
On June 27th, the 4 Wing Defence Visible Minority Advisory Group (DVMAG) invited members to join at Heritage Park at the entrance to CFB Cold Lake to commemorate Canadian Multicultural Day.
Guests that spoke at the event included 4 Wing Deputy Wing Commander Lieutenant-Colonel Alain Gagnon and Commanding Officer of 1 MP Squadron Major Matthew Hung. The 4 Wing Band also made an appearance, performing the National Anthem as well as another selection.
The ceremony ended with a group photo, with some members wearing their cultural dress for the picture.
Canadian Multiculturalism Day began on November 13, 2002, when the Government of Canada, by Royal Proclamation, designated June 27 of each year as an opportunity to celebrate our diversity, commitment to democracy, equality, and mutual respect for Canadians of all backgrounds.
4 Wing Canadian Multiculturalism Day
Acting 4 Wing Cold Lake Commanding Officer Lieutenant-Colonel Alain Gagnon addresses members of 4 Wing Cold Lake and the Wing Command Team during a ceremony to mark and celebrate Canadian Multiculturalism Day. Image taken on June 27, 2023 at 4 Wing Heritage Park, 4 Wing Cold Lake, Alberta
4 Wing Canadian Multiculturalism Day
Members of the 4 Wing Band play the Canadian national anthem during a ceremony to mark and celebrate Canadian Multiculturalism Day. Image taken on June 27, 2023 at 4 Wing Heritage Park, 4 Wing Cold Lake, Alberta
4 Wing Canadian Multiculturalism Day
Members of 4 Wing Cold Lake salute the playing of the Canadian national anthem during a ceremony to mark and celebrate Canadian Multiculturalism Day. Image taken on June 27, 2023 at 4 Wing Heritage Park, 4 Wing Cold Lake, Alberta
4 Wing Canadian Multiculturalism Day
Members of 4 Wing Cold Lake gathered during a ceremony to mark and celebrate Canadian Multiculturalism Day. Image taken on June 27, 2023 at 4 Wing Heritage Park, 4 Wing Cold Lake, Alberta