The Courier

Bell Let’s Talk Day – Supplied Photo

The Department of National Defence (DND) team is once again joining the drive to increase mental health awareness as Bell Let’s Talk Day draws closer.

The 12th edition of the campaign is set to return on January 26th.

“Supporting someone who may have a mental illness always begins with a conversation. Asking someone if everything is alright in an empathic and nonjudgmental way can be an important first step on the road to recovery,” says Canadian Forces Health Services Chief of Psychiatry, Lieutenant-Colonel Andrea Tuka.

A virtual panel discussion on mental health is set to take place on that day and will feature Bill Matthews, the Deputy Minister of National Defence along with Lieutenant-General Frances Allen, Vice Chief of the Defence Staff and Wanda Boudreau,  President of the Federal Government Dockyard Chargehands Association, among other guests.

Defence Team members can participate virtually by accessing an MS Stream link found online via their D365 accounts.

On Bell Let’s Talk Day, Bell Canada says it will donate 5¢ to support Canadian mental health programs for every applicable text, local or long distance call, tweet or TikTok video using #BellLetsTalk, every view of the Bell Let’s Talk Day video on social media, and every use of the Bell Let’s Talk Facebook frame or Snapchat lens.

“We should always ask ourselves what action we are taking today to care for our own mental health and to support our colleagues,” says the DND.

“Physical distancing does not mean breaking the bonds of our social connections. Reach out and connect virtually with a colleague, friend or family member today. Strong interpersonal relationships are key to maintaining good mental health.”


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