The Courier

City Hall in Cold Lake – File Photo

The City of Cold Lake has received a request from the Lakeland Safe Space Community for a Pride (rainbow) crosswalk within the City of Cold Lake. Lakeland Safe Space group has requested the crosswalk design be placed in an appropriate location that will help bring awareness of the Pride group within the community. The City of Cold Lake is also anticipating a request for a similar installation featuring the “7 Feathers” design in recognition of Truth and Reconciliation, as well as Canada’s Residential School Legacy.

Given the request, administration presented several options to the Corporate Priorities Committee to have both crosswalk designs placed along 1st Avenue (at 19th and 18th Street) near Kinosoo Beach. Given the location of multiple events and the constant traffic at Kinosoo Beach, these locations would promote the most public awareness to these causes. Other possible locations presented to the committee for consideration are in front of the Cold Lake Marina, Lakeshore Drive (5th and 6th Avenue) or along 50th Avenue in the downtown business district, or both.

Further discussion lead to council deciding to allow for public input on other possible placements of both the Rainbow and 7 Feathers crosswalk installation. This would allow for alternative locations to be considered based on popular public opinion.

“Something like this has to be given a lot of consideration at planning to ensure its success,” says Mayor Craig Copeland. “Giving the public an opportunity to voice their thoughts and ideas on a rainbow crosswalk can only help ensure the best result.”

A rainbow crosswalk was installed at 4 Wing Cold Lake and was very positively received by the public. This project was led by the Defence Team Pride Advisory Organization (DTPAO) and the Cold Lake Pride Community. This rainbow crosswalk has been continuously maintained since its installation in 2020. A 7 Feathers Crosswalk was also installed at the same intersection on 4 Wing.

There will be an opportunity for residents can make suggestions on where they think a rainbow crosswalk should be placed by attending the City’s Open House event on February 8 at the Lakeland Inn. The event will take place from 6:00-9:00 with the Mayor, CAO, staff, and councillors to be in attendance to answer questions about a variety of municipal topics, programs, and projects. A paper copy of the survey will be available at the event and will go live online the next day. Links to the survey will be available by Noon on February 9 on the City’s website and social media channels.

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