The Courier

The poster for “Dodge for a Cause”, due to be hosted at Art Smith Aviation Academy on March 3rd – Photo from Art Smith Aviation Academy/ Facebook 

Art Smith Aviation Academy (ASAA) at CFB Cold Lake is inviting participants to enjoy some dodgeball and help raise some money in March.

The school is hosting “Dodge for a Cause” in partnership with students from Portage College on March 3rd from 7 PM until 9 PM. The night will see age-18+ participants play some Dodgeball while also raising money for the school’s nutritional program, a plan that was started just this past year.

“This is the first event in our first year of running a nutrition program at school,” says ASAA Principal Andrea Farrell.  “I made an announcement at our Winter concert about how we are supporting families for the first time this year who are experiencing food insecurity by feeding some children lunch daily or providing snacks to add to lunches.

“That night our Parent Council was holding a silent auction to purchase a dishwasher, a new kitchen sink, a washing machine, and a dryer so we could ensure we could clean dishes used in meal prep and do the laundry from running a nutrition program.  A parent who is a Portage Social Work student heard what we were doing and came to me with a proposal from her Year Two classmates to do a fundraiser as a part of a class project to support community needs and here we are.”

Players can register as an individual or as part of a team online. A $5 donation entry fee will be required at the door to play and the event organizers say snacks and drinks will be provided to the players.

“Our School Division provided us some funding and anything raised at dodgeball night is going to be added to our Nutrition account so we can always have things to feed our students in need,” adds Farrell.

“We are so thankful to the Portage students for helping to support a need we have!”

More information about the event can be found on its official Facebook page. 


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