The Courier

MGen Eric Kenny (second from right) stands with (from left) 4 Wing Chief Warrant Officer CWO Lee Darling, 4 Wing Commander Colonel Dave Moar and 1 CAD Chief Warrant Officer D.A. Campbell during his visit to 4 Wing – Photo by Mike Marshall

A familiar face at 4 Wing was back last week for a visit.

1 Canadian Air Division/Canadian NORAD Region Commander Major-General Eric Kenny and Chief Warrant Officer Daniel Campbell spent November 30th touring the base and meeting with different unit and squadron command teams.

“4 Wing is one of eleven that fall under 1 CAD and it’s important to come out and see what’s going on at the Wing level, to talk to our folks, understand their concerns and see where we can support them,” said Kenny.

Kenny is no stranger to CFB Cold Lake. He’s held a number of command positions here including serving as 4 Wing Commander until 2016.

He and his staff spent time at Hangar 1, meeting with command teams from 4 OSS and 1 AMS, followed by a visit to the QRA and 417 Combat Support Squadron

“We got to meet with most of the units, recognizing that several are actually deployed right now doing operations around the world,” explained Kenny. “We also had a town hall, where we were able to address many questions that the 50 members who were there asked of us.”

“It was a great opportunity to see how things have progressed and see some of the infrastructure changes that are ongoing on-base, and see the growth in the City as well. It’s impressive and exciting to see that Cold Lake is thriving so well.”

“Throughout the 1 Canadian Air Division Command Team visit to 4 Wing we were able to showcase some of the significant changes and improvements that the Wing has seen in the last year like the updates to the Cold Lake Air Weapons Range, the site preparation for the future fighter facility, and the new tool crib functionality to support maintenance operations,” said 4 Wing Commander Col Dave Moar. “We also had the opportunity to describe some of the current challenges and issues that the Wing is facing. Our personnel also had the occasion to pose some of their questions directly to the 1 CAD Command Team during the town hall. Overall, it was a very valuable visit for 4 Wing.”

1 Canadian Air Division is the “source of air power provided by the Royal Canadian Air Force (RCAF) to the operational commands of the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF),” according to the RCAF online.


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