The Courier

Genesta Wilson, a member of the 4 Wing Band – Supplied Photo

Tuning up the Band showcases the members that make up the 4 Wing Band. These submitted articles give the band members an opportunity to showcase their history with the group, as well as explain what makes the band so special to them.

“I have been playing the flute since grade 6, and it has been one of my greatest passions ever since.”

Genesta Wilson has been with the 4 Wing Band for 20 years.

“Being from a military family, I was introduced to the concept of a Wing band early in life. I was a member of the 14 Wing Greenwood band while in high school, and once I had joined the military myself in 2002 as a Supply Technician, I joined the 4 Wing Cold Lake Brass and Reed band in 2003 immediately upon my first posting.”

“While taking a break off and on to spend time with my two children, I have always loved music and how it helps me maintain a sense of identity with the CAF and fulfill my passion as a musician. It has also been an excellent outlet for stress.”

Wilson says a pair of memories stand out when she thinks about her days performing.

“My most memorable gigs throughout my career have been marching with 4 Wing at the Calgary Stampede and performing at the Royal Nova Scotia International Tattoo with the 8 Wing Brass and Reed Band in 2017.”

“I look forward to continuing with the band for the duration of my military career and the years to come.”

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