The Courier

Congratulations to the Week 7 Winner of the #P4Challenge Evelyn LaPratt! Thank you to all who participated last week.

There are still plenty of prizes to be won, so don’t miss out!

We’re switching gears this week and focusing on the next Performance Behaviour by Eating Better! Over the next four weeks, you will be tasked with trying our highlighted recipes. To be entered into the draw, post a photo of you enjoying the recipe either on your own or with family and/or friends.

Recipe #1: Big Batch Bean Salad
Recipe #2: Honeydew Cucumber Slushie

To be entered to win a prize*, share your photo on social media (Facebook or Instagram) with #P4Challenge and tag us, send to or submit online

Registration is required to be entered to win prizes ( Thank you to our sponsor BMO Bank of Montreal!

*Cash prizes are in the form of NPF Visa Gift Cards
**Prizes available to 4 Wing Defence Community (military and civilian personnel, Veterans and family members)

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