The Courier

The Wing Welcome brief offer newly posted CAF members a glimpse into what life at 4 Wing is like – Photo by Mike Marshall / The Courier News 

New Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) personnel at 4 Wing had a chance to hear from Command Staff and others as they settle into life at CFB Cold Lake.

Four Wing Welcome briefs are being hosted at the 4 Wing Theatre, which started on September 8th and will be running until October 4th, to welcome members who were posted to 4 Wing since the fall of 2021. The briefs are a mixture of slides and discussion, and let members know about the mission, operations around the base, support programs available, and other services around the base.

287 new CAF members were posted to 4 Wing since the fall of 2021, say officials with 4 Mission Support Squadron (4 MSS). Around 1500 regular force members are currently serving at CFB Cold Lake.  4 Royal Canadian Air Force (RCAF) Reserve Flight says 55 reserve members are currently working at 4 Wing, although they do say they can take on more members and will be looking to do so shortly.

4 Wing Commander Col Dave Turenne led off the proceedings by giving a little history on the Wing, discussing what the requirements of members posted here would be, and other important information. Speakers at the meeting also included 4 Wing Chief Warrant Officer CWO Lee Darling, Members of 22 Canadian Forces Health Services Centre Cold Lake (22 CF H Svcs), representatives from Personnel Support Programs (PSP), and others.

Members new to 4 Wing listen inside the 4 Wing Theatre at the Wing Welcome brief – Photo by Mike Marshall/ The Courier News

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