Sgt Amanda Proctor (right) and Cpl Victoria Pearce begin work on a positivity Taco at the Chalk the Walk event hosted at the Col J.J. Parr Sports Centre at 4 Wing on May 4th – Photo by Mike Marshall
Cooler weather didn’t dampen any spirits as members of the CFB Cold Lake community took to the sidewalk to spread some positivity.
On May 4th, the 4 Wing Personnel Support Programs (PSP) Health Promotion and Community Recreation Departments hosted the “Chalk the Walk” event outside of the Col J.J. Parr Sports Centre. It allowed people to stop by, enjoy a coffee sponsored by the CANEX, grab a piece of chalk, and leave a message or drawing about mental health outside on the walkway into the building.
“Chalk the Walk is an event that the Health Promotion Department has been hoping to put on for a couple of years but had been unable to do so due to the pandemic,” explained Health Promotion Manager Lisa Fisher.
“We were very excited to be able to plan and run the event this year. By Chalking the Walk, we hope to promote positivity and empathy toward those struggling with their mental health. Despite being rained out on our original planned date, we were thrilled to see that the event was successful, with military and civilian personnel taking a moment on their way in or out of the building to write down a message. We even had some members take a break from work and come to JJ Parr specifically to Chalk the Walk.”
Chalk the Walk was originally on the calendar for May 2nd but rainy conditions that day pushed it to Wednesday.
The event was put on in support of Mental Health Week 2022, which runs from May 2nd to the 8th. The Canadian Mental Health Association (CMHA) says in any given year “1 in 5 people in Canada will personally experience a mental health problem or illness and by age 40, about 50% of the population will have or have had a mental illness”
Chalk the Walk
4 Wing Commander Col Dave Moar adds a message at Chalk the Walk – Photo by Mike Marshall
Chalk the Walk
4 Wing Chief Warrant Officer CWO Lee Darling also added a message – Photo by Mike Marshall
Chalk the Walk
4 Wing Commader Col Dave Moar (left) and Chief Warrant Officer CWO Lee Darling enjoy a coffee – Phot by Mike Marshall
Chalk the Walk
Coffee was served by members of the 4 Wing Personnel Support Programs (PSP) Health Promotions staff – Photo by Mike Marshall
Chalk the Walk
Sgt Amanda Proctor (right) and Cpl Victoria Pearce begin work on a positivity Taco – Photo by Mike Marshall
Chalk the Walk
A closeup of the coffee sleeves, provided by the the Healthy Choices Community of Practice – Photo by Mike Marshall
Chalk the Walk
Staff were on hand to hand out chalk and provide some inspiration for drawings and messages – Photo by Mike Marshall