A group photo of Canadian Natural Resources Limited Sponsors and Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) members with care packages ready to be sent across the sea to deployed CAF members for Canada Day taken at the Military Family Resource Centre, 4 Wing Cold Lake, Alberta on April 18, 2023. From Left to Right: Lieutenant Colonel John-Alec Bossence, Blaine Parker, Floyd Perras, Kim Foisy, Brad Bailey, Tracy Miller, and 4 Wing Chief Warrant Officer (CWO) CWO Lee Darling – Photo credit: Corporal Kastleen Strome, Royal Canadian Air Force Imagery Technician
Another batch of 4 Wing Military Family Resource Society (MFRCS) morale packages is soon heading out to deployed Canadian Armed Forces members.
On April 18th, the 4 Wing MFRCS welcomed guests from Canadian Natural for a look around operations at CFB Cold Lake, as well as packing up some of the packages that will be sent to members on deployment.
“23 Canada Day packages will be sent out this year,” explained 4 Wing MFRCS Fund Development Manager Judith Chance.
“Some of the items that deployed members will be getting include flavourful condiment packages, MFRCS stress balls, hackeysacks, a wireless Bluetooth speaker, a keychain flashlight and a new metal reusable straw from our friends at Canadian Natural.”
Blaine Parker, Kim Foisy and Brad Bailey from Canadian Natural joined Lieutenant-Colonel John-Alec Bossence and 4 Wing Chief Warrant Officer CWO Lee Darling at the MFRC for packing up duties.
“We are so proud of our deployment partnership with Canadian Natural. They’ve been by our side for many years now, and our deployed members and their families appreciate the support they receive from their team.”
Un nouveau lot de colis de réconfort de la Société du Centre de ressources pour les familles des militaires (SCRFM) de la 4e Escadre va bientôt être distribué aux membres des Forces armées canadiennes qui participent à un déploiement.
Le 18 avril, la SCRFM de la 4e Escadre a accueilli des invités du Canadian Natural pour observer les opérations à la BFC Cold Lake et pour emballer certains des colis qui seront envoyés aux troupes en déploiement.
« 23 colis seront envoyés pour la fête du Canada cette année », explique Judith Chance, gestionnaire du développement du financement de la SCRFM de la 4e Escadre.
« Les militaires en service recevront entre autres des paquets de condiments savoureux, des balles antistress de la SCRFM, des balles d’aki, un haut-parleur sans fil Bluetooth, une lampe de poche en format porte-clés et une nouvelle paille réutilisable en métal fournie par nos amis au Canadian Natural. »
Blaine Parker, Kim Foisy et Brad Bailey du Canadian Natural se sont joints au lieutenant-colonel John-Alec Bossence et à l’adjudant-chef (adjuc) de la 4e Escadre Lee Darling à la SCRFM pour l’emballage de colis.
« Nous sommes très fiers de notre partenariat de déploiement avec Canadian Natural. Ils sont à nos côtés depuis plusieurs années maintenant. Nos militaires sur le terrain et leurs familles sont reconnaissants du soutien qu’ils reçoivent de l’équipe du Canadian Natural. »
Canadian Natural Resources Limited Sponsors Visit
Kim Foisy, a member of Canadian Natural (CNRL), helps pack a care package for Canadian Armed Forces members deployed across seas during a CNRLS visit at the Military Family Resource Centre, 4 Wing Cold Lake, Alberta on April 18, 2023 – Photo credit: Corporal Kastleen Strome, Royal Canadian Air Force Imagery Technician
Canadian Natural Resources Limited Sponsors Visit
Lieutenant Colonel John-Alec Bossence, Commanding Officer of 1 Air Maintenance Squadron, helps pack a care package for Canadian Armed Forces members deployed across seas during a Canadian Natural Resources Limited Sponsors visit at the Military Family Resource Centre, 4 Wing Cold Lake, Alberta on April 18, 2023 – Photo credit: Corporal Kastleen Strome, Royal Canadian Air Force Imagery Technician
Canadian Natural Resources Limited Sponsors Visit
From left to right: Blaine Parker, Brad Bailey and Kim Foisy, members of Canadian Natural, along with 4 Wing MFRCS Executive Director Floyd Perras listen as Sergeant (Sgt) Shawn Rogers (Right) talks about a 20 mil Canon in load standards while Sgt Owen Davies listens in during a visit at 1 hangar, 4 Wing Cold Lake, Alberta on April 18, 2023 – Photo credit: Corporal Kastleen Strome, Royal Canadian Air Force Imagery Technician
Canadian Natural Resources Limited Sponsors Visit
From left to right: Blaine Parker, Floyd Perras, Kim Foisy, and Brad Bailey listen as Corporal Colby Ramson (Right) talks about the Air traffic Control Tower during a visit at 1 hangar, 4 Wing Cold Lake, Alberta on April 18, 2023 – Photo credit: Corporal Kastleen Strome, Royal Canadian Air Force Imagery Technician