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Welcome to Cold Lake!

You’ve been posted to 4 Wing, the busiest fighter base in Canada. Maybe it’s your first time around the city or the Lakeland area. You may be wondering why Cold Lake has a Tri-City Mall? Or what is a Kinosoo?

Cold Lake is located on the traditional territory of the Cree, Denesuline, and Métis peoples. The Cree people had called the large body of water “Kinosoo” or “Great Fish” after a legend of a massive creature taking the life of one or more warriors attempting to cross the lake.

The modern history of Cold Lake stretches back to the late 1700s when a trading post was established on the Beaver River.  A tourist boom in the ‘20s and ‘30s saw population growth as people flocked to take advantage of the fishing and rich, fertile lands for homesteading during the Great Depression.

Meanwhile, the community of Grand Centre (located just south of Cold Lake) was also growing. The area was originally called Pineault Crossing before changing its name in 1937

In 1952, The Royal Canadian Air Force selected an area just outside what was then the community of Cold Lake to build their first new “Flying Station” of the post-World War Two era. By 1953, the Federal Government had signed an agreement with the provinces of Alberta and Saskatchewan for the use of a tract of land 180 km by 65 km. This is known today as the Cold Lake Air Weapons Range.

The then-RCAF Station Cold Lake officially opened in the spring of 1954 under the temporary command of Wing Commander John Watts. The establishment of the base also started another community, Medley, in the region.

In 1996, the decision was made to amalgamate all three communities into one City, taking the name of Cold Lake. In 2000, that process was completed, and Cold Lake became Cold Lake North, Grand Centre became Cold Lake South, and Medley was absorbed. The partnership inspires the monikers of “Tri-City” or “Tri-Town” that can be seen around the community today!

In the 2021 Census, the city reported a population of 15,165.  A wide variety of businesses, clubs, organizations, and activities can be found in Cold Lake and the area. 

If you’re looking for information on CFB Cold Lake, the City, and the surrounding area, the 2023 Welcome to 4 Wing Cold Lake/ Bienvenue à la 4e Escadre Cold Lake Guide is available now! You can find the guide online by following this link.







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