The Courier

Photo from Veterans Affairs Canada

Every year, between November 5 and 11, the Canadian Armed Forces and the Department of National Defence support Veterans’ Week activities in many ways, including by delivering the National Veterans’ Week Speakers Program (NVWSP).

The program aims to raise awareness among Canadians about Veterans — past and present — and the roles the CAF personnel play on behalf of Canadians.

These presentations help Canadians – especially our country’s youth – learn more about the roles and stories of currently serving CAF members when hearing those stories directly from CAF speakers.

The NVWSP is committed to offering this experience to as many Canadians as possible and needs Regular and Reserve Force members to make that happen.

If you are a Regular or Reserve Force member and would like to volunteer as a CAF speaker for the NVWSP:

Supervisors and managers are asked to encourage CAF members to get involved and support your participation.

If you have been contacted directly by school or a community organization to give a presentation, before accepting the invitation you must obtain approval from your chain of command.

Once the presentation has been approved and confirmed, you are asked to send the following details of your speaking engagement:

  1. Including the information in your CAF speaker registration form;
  2. Submitting the information in our NVWSP Direct Request portal; or
  3. Sending the following details via email:Organization name (school):

    Contact person (school):


    Average age of audience:

    Audience number:

    Date of presentation:

    Type of presentation: In-person or virtual

    Details should be sent to the NVWSP Coordinator at:

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