The Courier

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The Canadian Forces Base (CFB) Cold Lake community is invited to spread positivity via sidewalk chalk on Friday. 4 Wing Personnel Support Programs is hosting Chalk the Walk on June 7th.

Organizers say starting at 10 am people can pick up a piece of chalk and write an inspirational message, drawing, or creative piece on the sidewalk. The event begins at the Colonel J.J. Parr Sports Centre, but more locations to decorate will be revealed throughout the day, say event planners.

The event is hosted to encourage positive mental health initiatives in the community – previous Chalk the Walks were showcased during the Canadian Mental Health Association’s Mental Health Week in May. June 7th is considered World Caring Day, a day to support and express care for others.

June also marks Recreation Month. The 4 Wing PSP Community Recreation team has more events planned for the 4 Wing community, including a Kickoff to Summer event on June 21st.

More information on Chalk the Walk can be found on the 4 Wing CMWS page.

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