The Courier

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The Knowledge Circle for Indigenous Inclusion (KCII), Indigenous Wellness Resource Center (IWRC) is looking for Indigenous volunteers to assist in the delivery of the 3rd Movement is Medicine: Walk-Run-Wheel. Created to bring awareness to Murdered and Missing Indigenous Women, Girls and Two Spirit (MMIWG2S)  and Red Dress Day , the event will take place on Friday, 3 May 2024.

In 2023, more than 1250 Indigenous Public Service employees registered for the Movement is Medicine event in 12 different locations across Canada, and virtually. This year, volunteers will help with the coordination and delivery of the event in their respective communities, addressing location-specific questions and producing an event wrap-up report. Volunteers will be asked to participate in a 5-hour-per-week micro-mission from January to May in preparation for the event.

Those interested in this volunteer opportunity, or for any questions related to the event, please contact the Indigenous Wellness Resource Centre at by 26 January 2024, using the subject: Movement is Medicine Coordinator.

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