The Courier

4 Wing members play Volleyball at Summer Sports Day in 2023 – File Photo

4 Wing members can participate in friendly competition once again as 4 Wing Summer Sports Day returns on June 14th.

The day will run from 8 AM until Noon and see members participating in up to 9 different activities. 4 Wing Personnel Support Programs Fitness and Sports Manager Tammy Buchanan says the day will go, rain or shine.

“We are looking forward to the Summer Sports Day next Friday and hope to have great weather so all the events can proceed as planned.  If the weather is poor, we will need to reduce the number of activities and host some of them indoors.”

“We hope the members will come and enjoy the morning being active, socializing, and having some fun!”

Some new sports to try this year include a Kickball tournament and an Ultimate Frisbee tournament. Also included is the grab-and-go lunch, starting at 11:30.

Opening ceremonies are scheduled to begin at 7:50 AM and will feature 4 Wing Sports Awards handed out to recipients. Some of the awards being handed out include both Male and Female Athlete of the Year, Jerry Ingham Official of the Year, Team of the Year (Individual and Collectively), as well as awards for members who achieved Platinum status in their FORCE tests.

Last year, around 650 members took part.

The final day to register for events is June 11th. Members should contact the event Office of Primary Interest (OPI) of each event to secure their spot, with contact information that can be found on the 4 Wing CFMWS page.

The 2024 4 Wing Summer Sports Day is free for members and presented in partnership with sponsor Inter Pipeline.

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